BIBLICAL STUDIESAbingdon New Testament Commentary series & Abingdon Old Testament Commentary seriesSociety of New Testament Studies series (Cambridge) Interpreting Biblical Texts (IBT)Hellenistic Commentary to the New Testament, edited by Eugene Boring, Klaus Berger, and Carsten Colpe (Abingdon)The Children of Israel: Reading the Bible for the Sake of Our Children, Danna Nolan Fewell (Abingdon)Mysterious Apocalypse: Interpreting the Book of Revelation, Arthur Wainwright (Abingdon)A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament, Birch, Brueggemann, Fretheim, Petersen (Abingdon)God and Mammon: Asking for Money in the New Testament, Jouette Bassler (Abingdon)Thus Says the Lord: The Message of the Prophets, James Ward (Abingdon)Ethics, Social Justice, Church & CultureSustainable Agriculture: A Christian Ethic of Gratitude, Mark Graham (Pilgrim)The New Globalization: Reclaiming the Lost Ground of our Christian Social Tradition, Richard Gillett (Pilgrim)Children and Our Global Future: Theological and Social Challenges, Kristin Herzog (Pilgrim)Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians and Gays in Black Churches, Horace Griffin (Pilgrim)First Comes Love: The Changing Face of Marriage, John Morris (Pilgrim)Same-Sex Marriage? A Christian Ethical Analysis, Marvin Ellison (Pilgrim)Transgender Journeys, Virgina Ramey Mollenkott and Vanessa Sheridan (Pilgrim)Sexual Violence: The Sin Revisited, Marie Fortune (Pilgrim)War or Words: Interreligious Dialogue as an Instrument of Peace, Musser & Sutherland, eds. (Pilgrim)Engaging News Media: A Practical Guide for People of Faith, Mark Kelley (Cowley)And the Poor Get Welfare: The Ethics of Poverty in the United States, Warren Copeland (Abingdon)Just Trading: On the Ethics and Economics of International Trade, Daniel Finn (Abingdon)Loving Nature: Ecological Integrity and Christian Responsibility, James Nash (Abingdon)Re-Creating America: The Ethics of US Immigration & Refugee Policy in a Christian Perspective, Dana Wilbanks (Abingdon)
METHODIST/WESLEYAN STUDIESGrace Sufficient: A History of Women in American Methodism, 1760-1968, Jean Miller Schmidt (Abingdon)The Methodist Experience in America, Sourcebook, Russell Richey, Kenneth Rowe, Jean Miller Schmidt (Abingdon)Practical Divinity, vols 1& 2: Theology in the Wesleyan Tradition, and Readings in Wesleyan Theology, Thomas Langford (Abingdon)Making Disciples: Faith Formation in the Wesleyan Tradition, Sondra Matthaei (Abingdon Press)This Gift of Water: The Practical Theology of Baptism among Methodists in America, Gayle Felton (Abingdon)Various books under the Kingswood Books imprint with Abingdon.
PASTORAL AND PRACTICAL THEOLOGYDictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Rodney Hunter, Gen.Ed. (Abingdon)Seeing Children, Seeing God: A Practical Theology of Children and Poverty, Pamela Couture (Abingdon)Counseling Persons with Addictions and Compulsions: A Handbook for Clergy and Other Helping Professionals, andrew Weaver, Harold Koenig, and Charlene Hosenfeld (Pilgrim)Counseling Troubled Teens and their Families, by Weaver, Preston, and Jerome (Abingdon)Feminist and Womanist Pastoral Theology, ed. by Bonnie Miller-McLemore and Brita Gill-Austern (Abingdon)Care of Persons, Care of Worlds: A Psycho-systems Approach to P. Care & Counseling, Larry Graham (Abingdon)Remembering the Future, Imagining the Past: Story, Ritual, and the Human Brain, David Hogue (Pilgrim)Our Home Is Over Jordan: A Black Pastoral Theology, Homer Ashby (Chalice)The Abuse of Power: A Theological Problem, James N. Poling (Abingdon)Balm for Gilead: Pastoral Care for African American Families Experiencing Abuse, Toinette Eugene and James N. Poling (Abingdon)The Care of Men, Christie Cozad Neuger and James N. Poling (Abingdon)Understanding Male Violence: Pastoral Care Issues, James N. Poling (Chalice)Feminist and Womanist Pastoral Theology, Bonnie Miller McLemore and Brita Gill-Austern (Abingdon)Prophetic Pastoral Care, Charles Gerkin (Abingdon)African American Pastoral Care, Edward P. Wimberly (Abingdon)Understanding & Counseling Persons with Alcohol, Drug; and Behavioral Addictions, H. Clinebell (Abingdon)Resurrecting the Person: Friendship and the Care of People with Mental Health Problems, John Swinton (Abingdon)Also a Mother: Work and Family as Theological Dilemma, Bonnie Miller McLemore (Abingdon)LGBT Pastoral Care: Ministry Among God's Queer People, David Kundtz and Bernard Schlager (Pilgrim)
PASTORAL LEADERSHIPBecoming a Pastor: Forming Self and Soul for Ministry, Jaco Hamman (Pilgrim)When Steeples Cry: Leading Congregations through Loss and Change, Jaco Hamman (Pilgrim)The College Chaplain, Stephen White (Pilgrim)I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church, Paul Nixon (Pilgrim)Hope in Conflict: Finding Wisdom in Congregational Turmoil, David Sawyer (Pilgrim)Can a Sistah Get a Little Help? Advice & Encouragement for Black Women in Ministry, Teresa Fry Brown (TPP)
SPIRITUALITY AND CHRISTIAN FORMATIONMemories of God; In Ordinary Time; Houses; Night on the Flint River; Nick the Cat; A Place to Pray: Reflections on The Lord's Prayer, all by Roberta Bondi (Abingdon)Spiritual Traditions for the Contemporary Church, Robin Maas and Gabriel O'Donnell (Abingdon)The Wilderness of God, Andrew Louth (Abingdon)In a Blaze of Glory: Womanist Spirituality as Social Witness, Emilie Townes (Abingdon)Confessions of a Jewish Priest, Gabriel Weinreich (Pilgrim)The Heart Has Reasons: Holocaust Rescuers and their Stories of Courage, Mark Klempner (Pilgrim)God Don't Like Ugly: African American Women Handing on Spiritual Values, Teresa Fry Brown (Abingdon)Her Own Story: Autobiographical Portraits of Early Methodist Women, Paul Chilcote (Abingdon)God Listens to Your Love: Prayers for Living with Animal Friends, by Carol Adams (Pilgrim)Praying the Chartres Labyrinth: A Pilgrim's Guidebook, Jill Geoffrion (4-color) (Pilgrim)Compassion as a Subversive Activity: Illness, Community, and the Gospel of Mark, David K. Urion (Cowley)Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, Cynthia Bourgeault (Cowley)Mary: The Imagination of Her Heart, Penelope Duckworth (Cowley)Loosening the Roots of Compassion: Meditations for Holy Week and Eastertide, Ellen Aitken (Cowley)A Week to Pray About It, Judy Johnson (Cowley)Organic God: Lenten Meditations on the Words of Jesus, Kate Moorehead (Cowley)Caretakers of Our Common House: Women's Development in Communities of Faith, Carol Lakey Hess (Abingdon)The Holy Stuff of Life: Stories, Poems, and Prayers about Human Things, Heather Murray Elkins (Pilgrim)
THEOLOGYNew Handbook of Christian Theology; and New Handbook of Christian Theologians, ed. Musser & Price (Abingdon)Rethinking Latino(a) Religion and Identity, edited by Miguel de la Torre and Gaston Espinosa (Pilgrim)The Disabled God: Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability, Nancy Eiesland (Abingdon)Jesus is My Uncle: Christology from a Hispanic Perspective, Luis Pedraja (Abingdon)Readings in Christian Thought (2nd Ed), Hugh Kerr (Abingdon
)WORLD RELIGIONSReligion and the Body, Sarah Coakley, ed. (Cambridge)Qur'anic Christians: An Analysis of Classical and Modern Exegesis, Jane McAuliffe (Cambridge)In Good and Generous Faith: Christian Responses to Religious Pluralism, Kenneth Cracknell (Pilgrim)The Psychology of Religious Knowing, Fraser Watts and Michael Williams (Cambridge)Jews and Christians: A Troubled Family, Randall Falk and Walter Harrelson (Abingdon)
WORSHIP AND PREACHING Provoking the Gospel of Mark. A Storyteller's Commentary, by Richard Swanson (also Luke and Mt. vols) (TPP)In Her Own Rite: Constructing Feminist Liturgical Tradition, Marjorie Procter-Smith (Abingdon)Worship and Technological Change, Susan White (Abingdon)A History of Women in Christian Worship, Susan White (Pilgrim)A Brief History of Christian Worship, James F. White (Abingdon)Worship as Theology: Foretaste of Glory Divine, Don Saliers (Abingdon)Worship Come to its Senses, Don Saliers (Abingdon)Calendar: Christ's Time for the Church, Lawrence Stookey (Abingdon)Human Disability and the Service of God: Reassessing Religious Practice, Eiesland & Saliers, eds., (Abingdon)Playing with Fire: Preaching Work as Kindling Art, David Schlafer (Cowley)God Comes Out: A Queer Homiletic, Olive Elaine Hinnant (Pilgrim)Wising Up: Ritual Resources for Women of Faith in their Journey of Aging, Kathy Black & Heather Elkins, eds., (Pilgrim)
YOUTH MINISTRY, CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, AND OTHER CHURCH RESOURCES Doing Girlfriend Theology: God-Talk with Young Women, Dori Grinenko Baker (Pilgrim)Book, Bath, Table & Time: Christian Worship as Source and Resource for Youth Ministry, Fred Edie (Pilgrim)This Old Church: The Indispensable Guide for Restoring Church Buildings, Ion Grumeza (Pilgrim)Talking About Evangelism: A Congregational Resource (Holy Conversations series), Mark Davis (Pilgrim)Lost and Found: Adolescence, Parenting, and the Formation of Faith, Amanda Millay Hughes (Cowley)The Sacred Selves of Adolescent Girls: Hard Stories of Race, Class and Gender, Evelyn Parker, ed. (Pilgrim)Lives to Offer: Accompanying Youth on their Vocational Quests, Dori Baker & Joyce Mercer (Pilgrim)Branded: Adolescents Converting from Consumer Faith, Katherine Turpin (Pilgrim)Teaching as a Sacramental Act, Mary Elizabeth Mullino Moore (Pilgrim)Talking About Homosexuality: A Congregational Resource, K. Oliveto, K. Turney, & T. West (Pilgrim)

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